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Amimoto AMI
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WordPress Plugins
Tips for DNS Vendors
CDN and Cache control
Server & AWS Management
Amimoto AMI
Getting Started with Amimoto-AMI
Connection to Amimoto AMI
Trouble shooting
Getting Started with Amimoto JIN-KEI
Tips for JINKEI
[EN] Amimoto Managed Hosting
Company and Guidelines
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Amimoto Help Center
Amimoto AMI
Amimoto Managed Hosting
Amimoto Essential Training
Migration tips for AMIMOTO Managed Hosting
Amimoto Dashboard Tips
Connecting to the Server
Account and Billing
Trouble shooting
WordPress Plugins
Tips for DNS Vendors
CDN and Cache control
Server & AWS Management
Amimoto AMI
Getting Started with Amimoto-AMI
Connection to Amimoto AMI
Trouble shooting
Getting Started with Amimoto JIN-KEI
Tips for JINKEI
[EN] Amimoto Managed Hosting
Company and Guidelines
Amimoto AMI
Support documents for Amimoto AMI and JINKEI.
Getting Started with Amimoto-AMI
Getting Started with AMIMOTO-AMI
1. Launching your first AMIMOTO-AMI
2. Assigning an Elastic IP for AMIMOTO AMI
3. Connecting to AMIMOTO-AMI with SSH
4. Managing AMIMOTO Config
See more
WordPress Installation to a Subdirectory
Enabling WordPress Multisite
How to Install WordPress Powered by AMIMOTO from AWS Console
Setting up C3 Cloudfront Cache Controller
Connection to Amimoto AMI
Connecting server with WinSCP
Logging into AMIMOTO AMI
Using phpMyAdmin on AMIMOTO
How to SSH as nginx
Limiting IPs for SSH Access
See more
Modifying server configurations with Chef
Detect and handle User-Agent with WordPress and CloudFront
Migrating AMIMOTO AMI from T2 to T3 series
Automatically create a EC2 snapshots
Upgrading to the latest version of AMIMOTO
How to Create a Snapshot and Restore volume from it
Controlling Access to the WordPress Dashboard with NGINX
Requesting IP address based access restriction
Using WPtouch with AMIMOTO
AMIMOTO Database Credentials for Single AMI, RDS, and Amazon Aurora
Custom Redirects on AMIMOTO
How to use Amazon RDS with AMIMOTO AMI WordPress
See more
5. Enabling HTTPS using Let's Encrypt on AMIMOTO AMI
How to set up SSL for my instance?
Can I use ImageMagick?
Can AWS CodeDeploy be used with AMIMOTO?
Trouble shooting
WordPress is not sending emails
WordPress cannot send user registration email or password reset email.
Getting Started with Amimoto JIN-KEI
Migrating to "New JINKEI" stack
How to set up New JINKEI stack
Tips for JINKEI
How to Delete CloudFormation?
How to launch stack and enable HTTPS on with WordPress powered by AMIMOTO (Auto Scaling) JIN KEI
Install additional WordPress sites using wp-setup
Refunds for Reserved AMIMOTO Self-Hosting Products on AWS
How do you charge Self-Hosted Amimoto AMI Hosting?