We use chef for managing each server configurations on AMIMOTO AMI.
You should modify server settings on /opt/local/amimoto.json. You can modify settings on /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf or /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, but when you launch or restart instance, the server runs provision and overwrite any modifications on them to server default.
Please refer editable value on /opt/local/amimoto.json on the following page: Launch-with-1-Click/lw1-amimoto2. For Amazon Linux 1, refer to Launch-with-1-Click/lw1-amimoto.
How to modify /opt/local/amimoto.json
1. SSH access to the server:
$ssh -i ~/.ssh/path-to-keyfile.pem ec2-user@SERVER-IP-ADDRESS
2. Switching user to root:
$sudo su -
3. Edit /opt/local/amimoto.json:
# vi /opt/local/amimoto.json
Please check editable values listed on Launch-with-1-Click/lw1-amimoto2. For Amazon Linux 1, refer to Launch-with-1-Click/lw1-amimoto.
4. Save changes:
[ESC] → [Shift]+[Z]+[Z]
5. Applying changes:
# /opt/loca/provision
6. Restart nginx、php-fpm
#service monit stop;
#service nginx restart;
#service php-fpm restart;
#service monit sart;
7. Check changes
You can check your changes using
# cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.
Also, place a phpinfo.php file in /var/www/vhosts/example.com/ then access it to check modified PHP.ini value.