How to set up FluentSMTP to send emails through Gmail/Google Workspace


How to set up

1. Install plugin

Search "FluentSMTP" and install it on Plugin page.

2. Navigate to [Settings] → [Fluent SMTP]

You can import settings from WP  Mail SMTP, or click [Skip] to set up manually.

3. Choose SMTP Provider

We choose Gmail/Google Workspace on this document.

4. Fill in Sender Settings and Gmail/Google Workspace API Settings and click [Authenticate with Google &  Get Access Token] 

Sender Settings

  • From Email: Sender Email address
  • From Name: Name of sender

Gmail/Google Workspace API Settings

  • Application Client ID
  • Application Client Secret 

Refer to the support document of FluentSMTP  on how to get these keys:

5. Paste the Access token you've got, then click [Save Connection Settings]

6. Done!

Let's check it works correctly on [Email Test] tab.

Sending test emails

Input From and Send To, choose plain or HTL then click the [Send Test Email] button.

You've succeeded to send emails through Fluent SMTP and Gmail

Test Email you've got.


That's all for setting up FluentSMTP with Gmail/Google Workspace.