Invalidating CDN cache on the specific path

1. log in to AMIMOTO Dashboard.


2. Click [Manage] button.


3. Click the site you want to invalidate CDN cache under [Sites] menu


4. Click [CDN] menu

5.Scroll down to "Create invalidation" section

6. Input "Invalidation path" field and click [Submit] button

Invalidation paths examples

Invalidate all of the files in the CDN distribution:

  • /*

Invalidate all of the files in the specific directory:

  • /parent-directory/child-directory-A/*
  • /parent-directory/child-directory-B/*

Invalidate the specific directory, it's subdirectories, and all of the files in the directory and subdirectories:

  • /parent-directory*

Invalidate all files that starts the same name but different file name extensions, such as logo.jpg, logo.png, and logo.gif:

  • /parent-directory/logo.*
  • /parent-directory/file-name.*

For more details, refer Invalidating Files



7. Invalidation starts

It may take a while to complete.

Also, the status turns to "In Progress"

8. Invalidation has completed

Make sure cache is flushed.