The web server of the AMIMOTO Managed hosting is Nignx, and .htaccess file won't loaded. We recommend using Redirection plugin to manage many types of redirections from WordPress dashboard.
How to install Redirection plugin
- Login to WordPress Dashboard
- Navigate to Plugins
- Click [Add New]
- Search "Redirection"
- Redirection プラグインの [今すぐインストール (Install Now)] をクリックする
- Click [Activate] button
- The plugin is enabled
Accessing Redirection's settings page
A. Click [Settings] link under Redirection section of the Plugins page
B. Navigate [Redirection] under [Tools] menu
Initial setups
Complete initial setups if it shows up
- Click [Start Setup] button
- Click [Continue Setup] button
Tick the checboxes if you prefer. - Click [Finish Setup] button to complete.
- Click [Finished] button to save changes.
- Initial set ups has been done.
Add/Edit redirections
Add redirect setting forwards to /def/ from /abc/
- Click [Add New]
- Source URL will be the URL where accessed (in this sample, input /abc/).
Target URL will be the URL where the forwarding (in this sample input /def/) - Click [Add Redirect] button to save the values
- The redirection has been saved
- Click [Check Redirect] button to confirm it works
- If passed you'll get the following result.
- Access the URL from browser and confirm it actually works.
That's all!