Connecting AMIMOTO Managed server with Cyberduck


Access your Managed or Self-Hosted AMIMOTO server can be done with your servers SSH key. Add that key to your SFTP client and you can connect to AMIMOTO on port 22 without a password.

Setting up your SFTP Client

Required information for SFTP

  • Server: Server's IP address or domain 
  • User: amimoto-user
  • Authentication: Secret key (SSH Key)
  • Remote directory: /var/www/vhosts/YOUR-DOMAIN (optional)
  • Connection type (Port):SFTP (22)

We'll send IP address of the server or secret key on AMIMOTO Server Account Information mail for Managed server customer.

A few Commonly used SFTP Clients:

Example Settings

Here's an example set up using Cyberduck.

Check the following screenshot, then choose SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), input server information, choose SSH Private Key.

  • Nickname: You can name to your connection setting
  • Server: Input server name. IP address, or your domain name.
  • Port: Set 22 (default port is 22)
  • Username: Input amimoto-user if you're managed user; ec2-user if you're AMIMOTO AMI on AWS user.
  • Path: Optional. You can set /var/www/vhosts/  or /var/www/vhosts/YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME/ 
  • Use Public Key Authentication: Check it and choose a key file id_rsa.server-id or with .pem suffix.