Requesting IP address based access restriction

Contact us with a list of IP address to restrict access, server ID and domain name. 

By default, Amimoto allows connections from all IP addresses.

If you need to refine or limit access at the server level this is something we can help with.

Please note, there are many WordPress plugins that offer this as a feature. If you need harder security policy for any reason contact us.

Advanced IP Allowlist/Denylist configurations are available for Managed Hosting customers by request.

Please send us the following list: 

  • Server ID (e.g. amimoto.a01234): 
  • Target web site (e.g. 
  • IP address to restrict (e.g. 
  • IP address to allow (optional)  (e.g. 

If you also want to customise error page for 404 or 503 error, kindly send us HTML files for error pages for each HTTP Status Code, and these should only contain HTML, JavaScript, CSS, or graphics, and should not contain PHP or other scripts.


  • 404 error: 404.html
  • 50x error: 50x.html